Hosting Thanksgiving in Your New Home

Did you just buy a home — and got roped into hosting Thanksgiving, too? While it can be so much fun to have family over for the holidays, we understand how stressful it can be — especially if you’re still unpacking. That’s why we’ve compiled our best tips for hosting Thanksgiving in your new home. Hopefully, these ideas will help make your holiday festive and fun!

Make it a housewarming party, too

If you were already planning to have a housewarming party, then why not combine it with your Thanksgiving celebration? There’s no need to have two separate parties, especially if you’ll be inviting the same people. Perhaps you can even get your guests to help you unpack or hang some pictures while you’re at it!

Plan a potluck

Your guests will understand that you’ve got a lot on your plate right now. So if you’re hosting Thanksgiving, then plan for it to be a potluck. Create a menu for the meal and ask each guest to bring a dish. This way, you can still enjoy hosting without all the stress of preparing the entire meal as well.

Choose make-ahead dishes

Trying to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner in one day can be challenging. That’s why we recommend creating a menu with many dishes that can be made ahead of time. You can pre-make casseroles that just need to be baked on the day of the event. Chop vegetables and prepare ingredients ahead of time. You can even make gravy before the big day!

Opt for catering

You’re not cheating if you decide to outsource Thanksgiving this year. Moving in is a big job, and having someone else prepare your Thanksgiving feast will relieve so much of your stress. Focus instead of getting moved in and spend your extra time setting a pretty table. This will also give you a chance to try out a restaurant in your new neighborhood.

Ask for help

There is no shame in asking for a little extra help this Thanksgiving. You can get friends and family to come over a few days ahead of time to help you clean and organize for the party. You can also create tasks for your guests to do on Thanksgiving day. This could include helping to serve drinks, clearing the table at the end of the meal, or assisting with dishes at the end of the night. Your guests will be more than willing to help you, and it will be easier on you if you figure out how they can help ahead of time.

Prep for overnight guests

Will your Thanksgiving celebration include overnight guests? Then be sure to prepare for that. If you have a guest bedroom, then put fresh linens on the bed and set out towels. Stock the bathroom with things they may need, like extra toothbrushes or toothpaste. And make sure they know where the coffee is in the morning!

Relax and have fun

The most important thing you can do when you’re hosting Thanksgiving in your new home is to relax and enjoy yourself! Your guests will have more fun if they see you having fun, too. And what better way to celebrate your new home than to fill it with the people you love!

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